Braces, Splints & Supports

ISO Approved Selections

The industrial sectors involve household medical devices, medical epidemic prevention materials, medical rehabilitation support, elderly care products, household health appliances, maternal and infant medical supplies, medical health food, pet healthcare products and other fields.

Mobility & Daily Living Aids

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About Us

Products Center

Service is people-oriented and honesty is the most accractive

Services and Logistics 

We have a proven track record of moving more than 30 thousand tonnes of cargo annually and our capacity is constantly growing.

Advantages of Supplier

One strength with our company is our initiative to seek supplies from multiple producers from china.


Safety and Health

We also ensure that we comply with government laws and local regulations, enabling our personnel to operate in a safe, conducive and healthy environment.

Business Relationship

A business relationship that is built upon the endurance of time brings trust, and the accommodation and flexibility across all matters.

Our Company

De Zhou Factory
Zhang Qiu Factory

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Why You Choose  VS  What We Have

Professional R&D Team

Tuper Group has doctoral and postdoctoral research and development teams from Peking University, Tsinghua University and Shandong University, it has established a number of enterprise technology centers and digital chemical plants, committed to the research and development and manufacturing of household medical and health products, and has obtained more than 100 intellectual property rights such as invention patents.

Strong Support Team

The whole industry chain operation includes R&D, manufacturing, brand building, sales channels, warehousing, after-sales, etc. We adopt advanced C2F mode, industrial Internet + new retail combination, intelligent production such as intellectual order receiving, intelligent production scheduling, intelligent process control, intelligent warehouse management system, etc., to realize the customer's order on the same day, the same day production, the same day delivery.

Medical and Health Industry Group

The industrial sectors involve household medical devices, medical epidemic prevention materials, medical rehabilitation support, elderly care products, household health appliances, maternal and infant medical supplies, medical health food, pet healthcare products and other fields.  At the same time, the Group has a comprehensive layout of social e-commerce, B2B distribution, as well as omnichannel sales such as chain drugstores, government procurement, enterprise customers and overseas exports, which is a multi-brand, multi-category"online and offline Omni channel" + "digital intelligent manufacturing" medical and health industry Group.